Coagulation Therapy

From 35,-

Coagulation therapy is a non-surgical treatment to remove benign skin imperfections like warts, skin tags and fibromas. It is a quick and easy procedure with excellent results.

What is coagulation therapy?


Coagulation therapy is the removal of minor and benign skin imperfections. The benign skin blemish is heated through a fine point-shaped needle, and a slight crust forms on the skin. After a few days, the skin heals without scarring.


What can coagulation therapy be used for?


  • Warts
  • Dermatosis papulosa nigra (small dark bumps on dark skin)
  • Xanthelasma
  • Skin tags
  • Fibromas
  • Verruca seborrhoeic


What to consider before treatment


  • Avoid sun and tanning beds for four weeks before treatment.
  • Stop using an exfoliant, retinol (vitamin A cream), hormone ointment, and hydroquinone three to seven days before treatment.
  • Stop taking blood thinners seven days before treatment (consult with your doctor if this is possible).
  • If you suffer from an active cold sore, you should not be treated around your mouth and should wait until the cold sore is completely healed.
  • Botox and/or filler treatments may be performed up to two weeks before treatment.
  • Avoid facial treatments two to four weeks before treatment, such as strong chemical peels, micro-needling and CO2 laser
  • In case of symptoms such as fever or flu, you will not be treated.
  • The treatment cannot be performed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


How does the treatment work?


During treatment, a small device is used that heats the skin blemish in a targeted manner. The spot burns away, after which a scab forms. The skin around it remains intact. On average, one to three treatments are sufficient, but this depends on the type of skin blemish and your skin.

Possible skin reaction after treatment


Immediately after treatment, a scab will form on the skin. The surrounding skin may become red and swollen. The redness and swelling usually disappear within a few hours to 48 hours. The scabs usually disappear within two weeks.




  • For the first 24 hours after treatment, do not do anything to the skin, and do not wash or apply cream unless otherwise advised.
  • For the first 48 hours, you should avoid heat sources such as saunas, swimming pools and intense exercise.
  • You should not wear makeup for the first 48 hours after treatment. Medical makeup, such as Oxygenetix, may be allowed if necessary.
  • Do not use scrubs and peels for the first two weeks after treatment.
  • Do not use intensive exfoliating products with acids such as glycolic and salicylic acid, retinol or hydroquinone for the first three to seven days.
  • You should not scratch/pull at the scabs and/or peels.
  • After treatment, it is essential to care for the skin with a restorative cream, such as Alhydran, to promote healing and allow the skin to heal more beautifully. Alhydran can be applied two to three times daily and can be purchased at the clinic.
  • During the treatment process, it is crucial to avoid direct sunlight on the skin and tanning beds. It is essential to use daily sun protection with at least SPF50.



1 spot 35
2 spots 50
Per 15 minutes 60